Find out the top tier best ssr and sr characters in this tales of crestoria tier list. Theres definitely some bias going on since half of all the ur is s tier and above.

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Sword fantasy tier list. The value and usefulness of a character varies based on your rank your team fight length fight mechanics and how you play. Reading the tier list. Reaper falcion amazing with revanant bosses when paired with revanant armor. Use our tier list maker to generate your free tier list and share it with your friends. S tier 50 million midas pigman sword way too expensive dont think anyone in the game have it. The following sections are general guidelines on how to interpret the tier list.
A tier pigman sword not worth the grind but it is a good sword. Takes a lot of time to grind but really good recommend instead of 50mill midas. Alicization rising steel characters from s d. For beginners with limited number of characters aim for a high ranked dagger lance rapier dual or sword wielder that can also generate combos as your 1st character and main dps unit. A tier leaping sword aspect of the end really good sword and ability takes a lot of time to grind tho. A 95 rating in fire is not the same as 95 in water.
Bandai namcos anime fantasy rpg tales of crestoria is now available worldwide on google play store and ios app store. Aspect of the end with a lot of mana its very useful for. When the top seats should be rare not common and reserved for all. Obviously this list is trash. View a complete filterable sortable and searchable table of unit statistics for all currently available saoars characters. Character list element stats and info 6 burst dps tier list ranking events.
Is meant to be an overall rating of a characters usefulness for the purposes of general comparison. S tier aspect of the dragons good sword in general only bad at high tier slayers. It tries to take into consideration minmax best in role theory crafting empirical play experience pve pvp and rarity of the roleelement it fills. Heck any ur will end up in s tier with this lists trash logic. Chose from hundreds of custom templates or create your own. Each element is evaluated on its own.
It doesnt take into consideration the roles of the characters supporttankdps. Rank sss overall 6 characters other helpful lists. Tales of crestoria has so many ssr and sr characters.