Mac and windows versions were released in october 2016. How to use the meta snapshot this tier list shows the best decks to play on the ranked ladder to maximize the chances of winning the game and climbing.

R Shadowverse Deck Ramp Dragon Chronogenesis
Shadowverse chronogenesis tier list. Tias combo effect resulted in a really big ward to surmount who was also evolved allowing a forest deck to contest the board without spending any evolution points while cynthia provided a lasting buff that turned harmless 11 fairies into 21 goddamned bats or worse on top of leaving fairies behind. Midrange shadow got a major buff with gremorys enhance effect being set to 6. The introduction of crystalia tia and elf knight cynthia opened up the tempo forest deck. Fortunes hand world uprooted ultimate colosseum verdant conflict rebirth of glory steel rebellion altersphere omen of the ten brigade of the sky dawnbreak nightedge chronogenesis starforged legends wonderland dreams tempest of the gods rise of bahamut darkness evolved classic basic prebuilt decks set 1 prebuilt decks set 2 anigera didoooon tie in fatestay night heavens feel tie in. Overview of the tempo storm shadowverse meta snapshot. It was released for ios and android devices in june 2016 and by july was the most popular mobile collectible card game in japan.
Chronogenesis starforged legends wonderland dreams tempest of the gods rise of bahamut darkness evolved title. Here are the various components of the tempo storm shadowverse meta snapshot. These decks are just good enough to show up now and again but arent fast enough to be a presence in the metagame. Strategic multiplayer digital card game price. Shadowverse is a digital card game developed by cygames. Strategic multiplayer digital card game price.
Free to play optional in app purchases minimum requirements. Ios 90 android 44 mac os x 1011 windows 8110 64 bit. Steel rebellion rotated out and the loss of the machina introductory set is especially relevant. Manasurge chronogenesis tier list updated 112. It began its overseas promotion in 2017 and there are three major versions by region japanese. Ios 90 android 44 mac os x 1011 windows 8110 64 bit.
The list is for the rotation format and is subject to update anytime. A guide on how to use the resource. Shadowverse is a free to play digital collectible card video game developed and published by cygames in japan. However haven and runes extensive ability to control the board have left the deck unable to stick. Free to play optional in app purchases minimum requirements. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Tier 2 decks that didnt make the list. These decks are ranked according to their consistency and power level. This tier list shows our selection of the top shadowverse decks you can use to compete with to maximize the chances of winning. This leaves the powerful cards from fortunes hand to create a systematic shift in the meta where all the past tier 1 and tier 2 decks ceased to exist overnight. This thread is archived.