These units are so far ahead of everyone else they need a tier of their own. Hungryapp tier list seven knights kakaokorean version tier list updated 82016tier list sourced from korean seven knights community forum ranking.

Knights Chronicle Tier List Arena
Seven knights tier list awakened. This tier list is is arranged differently then an arena or a general tier listbecause pve content requires different teams buffs depending on what team or game mode youre playing. Fragment search party awakened hellenia. Ss s s s a a a b b b c no rank bad or not viable raidboss ranks show suggested row and boss in paranthesis hero awa. In a balanced meta there is usually no heroes in this tier. The top of the line staples for the current. Korean seven knights resources korea tier list hero list translations.
Tier reserved for meta defining units. An agent of goddess mrarmor. They rule the meta other units rankings are based on how well they do against this tier of hero. Please help contribute by editing this wiki. This tier has one or two heroes max. Since every tier list needs a baseline with which to compare this tier list compares units at their full development their highest promotion stage and maximum operator and skill level legend.
Visually stunning rpg adventure. Hero rankings are split into skill effects buffs categories the skill effects listed are the most useful buffs effects for pve. Heavenia unreleased dark magic research tower. Each category lists the the top heroes that provide said buff. Welcome to the seven knights wikia the unofficial english wiki for seven knights global server based on seven knights for kakao and may contain references from elsewhere. Basically when you register a hero the hero will be gone forever if you didnt know make sure you register only a copy of the heroes dont be like me who threw all his maxed out seven knights without knowing for a 1 block rate i thought it was like in afk arena where you can register and un register the heroes whenever you want and boom seven knights gone i hope this post will actually.
Latest heroes pets war god demon king lu bu. Seven knights wiki is a fandom games community. Official sub reddit for the mobile game seven knights. Global and asia server players unite and discuss strategies give advice and. These operators can be easily recruited or obtained for free without having to rely on the gacha and are good early investments. Cao unreleased luo unreleased io unreleased kyuo unreleased nao unreleased awakened velika.
Reserved for a meta breaking units.