Cheapest way to unlock t5 units in rok. With this list you can use our tier list and best commander talent tree builds.

Rise Of Kingdoms Guide And Tips For Free To Play Beginners
Rise of kingdoms tier list v. The total number of buildings that need blueprints is 16 and every blueprint costs 2k gems. Each commander is best for something. Best commanders tier list in rise of kingdoms with talents 302k views if youre lost what commander you should level up and take to the route to max out in rise of kingdoms i hope this guide here will help you including my recommendations in what order you should stuff their level trees and what commanders they work best with as secondary commander. To unlock the tier 5 troops units in rise of kingdoms you have to upgrade your city hall to level 25 and then the academy to level 25. Httpbitly1kd1iv3 commander tier list. Commanders tier list the best commanders in rise of kingdoms updated finally after a long time waiting this is the ultimate commander tier list for rise of kingdoms.
In this guide the commanders are divided in categories with detailed explanation so you will be able to get interesting information and an overview of whicch commanders you should focus during the game meta. You want to invest in the best commander the commander that is most useful in the game especially if you are free to play player. Academy this is the last building to get tier 5 units and to build it you need to build all other buildings first. Brought to you by shinchi42. In this list you will find best commander pairings in rise of kingdoms for field battles for destroying barbarian forts for defending for a rally etc. Other buildings now for other buildings you do not need books or arrows but you will need gems to buy blueprintsblueprints are used to level building from level 24 to level 25.
It will take tons of resources to unlock the tier 5 troops if you dont know the minimum requirements and dont know the right direction. At last we are thrilled to share our best commander tier list for rise of kingdoms rok. This is proudly brought to you by david howard a veteran rok player. This is a commander tier list for rise of kingdoms that focuses purely on endgame. The tier list will show you what are the best commanders in rise of kingdoms. Elite and advanced commanders ranked in rise of kingdoms subscribe here.