Up your game with this paladins tier list. Browse champions and decks to find the best loadout for every champion.

All Champions Tier List My Opinion Paladins
Paladins tier list dredge. Your 1 source for paladins loadouts. Tyra is the meta since quite a while outpacing viktor is almost every aspect but for some reason this guy puts her into c tier. Paladins tier list start winning more games. Least popular in competitive and theres a chance you may get flamed when picking these heroes. Kogas been on the ground since 3 patches has a wopping 43 win rate. This tier list is relative to skill level with your selected champion even the lowest on this list can do well if youre very skilled with them in some cases also the lower your rank the better some of these lower tier champions are such as skye who is rarely countered and played against correctly in lower rankings.
With his cursed howitzer dredge fires grenades that arch before falling. Today i am sharing a full tier list of paladin heroes and villeins. Playing these heroes will put your team at a disadvantage. Now the undead pirate travels the seas again and no soul living or dead will take his treasure from him. Dredge is a damage champion capable of outputting massive area damage from long range and zoning control on the map. If you are a newbie do not follow this so called tier list.
The abyss intervened and bore the admiral now admiral dredge back into the realm of the living. Summary edit edit source dredge is a damage champion capable of outputting massive area damage from long range and zoning control.