Keep in mind that all characters are viable in maplestory 2 but if you enjoy a min max build or doing the most dpshealstanking with a particular class then this ms2 tier list is for you. If youve been defeating bosses in maplestory youll notice something called soul shards that drop.

Maplestory 2 Class Tier List Fuck Faces I Don T Care Youtube
Maplestory 2 soul binder tier list. This ms2 soul binder build guide will teach you how to build your soul binder character and play efficiently to clear through all the content maplestory 2 has to offer. Tier d can reach up to 15 weaponmagic attack with 5001000 soul gauge while every tier above can reach up to 20. Such as cygnus magnus is a summon soul and can help with dps. However most players arent able to keep up a. But same tier as mag vellum. Thats basically it from my observations of my guilds many cpap damage charts.
Best classes tier list ranking criteria tips tricks this maplestory 2 tier list ranks the best classes from the game based on different factors. Knight most reliable healer. Archer hg assassin runeblade only good for support right now. Going from best to worst this tier list will show you the best character to play in maplestory 2. Soul binders are the last on this list of powerful pvp classes. Firstly classes are ranked based on their dps in end game raids.
Based on your question its all the same just their active effect might be different. It will release in naeu on december 67th 2018. Thief specifically is ranked lower than its actual maximum dps. Maplestory 2 is a free to play massively multiplayer online role playing game mmorpg developed by nsquare and released by korean japanese publisher nexon originally on july 7 2015 exclusively in south korea to be later available on september 21 2017 in china and several months after closed beta in may and july of 2018 finally on october 10 2018 on the global market for microsoft. This maplestory 2 tier list is also post awakening and updated for 2019. Since they are ranged winning a battle is no problem if you are skilled enough and having illusion very strong movement skill is just icing on the cake.
The best magnificent souls are cygnus crimson queen damien magnus vellum lucid lotus darknell verus hilla and. Currently the following bosses are storing their souls in soul shards ripe for the plundering. I play in reboot so this tier list will focus mainly on that. Dps rankings are based on calculations against a single target with only one part to attack which reflects a class performance against some bosses. Soul binder is a hybrid dpssupport that focuses on heavy burst and debuffing mobs with shields and some healing as support. Berserker wizard top tier dps if you know what youre doing.
Passive stats is rng. These soul shards are used to create a boss soul which can give you extra stats and even fight by your side. In short any bosses from chaos root abyss and above is highest tier. Thief only tank in the game. Magnus lotus damien cygnus lucid and cra bosses. Soul binders were added in the same update as the maple arena.
Top tier dps for the average player. Maplestory best class tier list the following is a list of all classes in the global version of maplestory gms ranked based on their damage output.