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Miscreated Monster Kr Ehm Raid Shadow Legends Skill
Maplestory 2 kr tier list. Thief specifically is ranked lower than its actual maximum dps. If you feels strongly about any particular ranking feel free to leave a comment or yell at me on my. Going from best to worst this tier list will show you the best character to play in maplestory 2. The dps calculations for each class is carried out against a strawman dummy making it very difficult to achieve the same level of damage against most bosses. This tier list will be based on classes performance in normalhard dungeons and pve related activities at lvl 50 60. These rankings are based on my opinions.
Dont take this chart too seriously. Firstly classes are ranked based on their dps in end game raids. This page was last edited on 30 october 2018 at 2126. While this is interesting im certain that it has little to no relevance in gms. Wizards are currently the most overpowered player versus player class because they got buffed twice in the last month. This tier list uses the latest dpm chart from kms patch 12316 source.
Browse the official forums and chat with other maplestory 2 players here. This list is based on changes as of june 19th 2020. Safe damage from range. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. All ms2 classes are more than viable for casual players but for some of you that enjoy min maxing and playing the. The current maplestory 2 pvp meta is being dominated by ranged classes because they have everything in their kit.
Keep in mind that all characters are viable in maplestory 2 but if you enjoy a min max build or doing the most dpshealstanking with a particular class then this ms2 tier list is for you. This maplestory 2 tier list is also post awakening and updated for 2019. Even if we assumed this chart was 100 accurate again it probably isnt it doesnt mean that merc does any less damage than it already does nor does it take away from the fact that merc still excels in real bossing situations especially with 01 as. However this tier list is still a good guide to follow in choosing what class to play. In this maplestory 2 class tier list we will present you the strongest and weakest heroes currently in the steam version of the game. Due to the huge flow of new ms2 players we have prepared a ms2 guide which shows the best starter class and the strongest build.
Right off the bat classes are positioned dependent on their dps in end game attacks. Best classes tier list ranking criteria tips tricks this maplestory 2 tier list ranks the best classes from the game based on different factors. Be that as it may most players cant keep up an ideal pivot which makes them put out lower dps than berserkers and runebladers. Cheat explicitly is positioned lower than its real greatest dps. However most players arent able to keep up a. This maplestory 2 tier list positions the best classes from the game dependent on various elements.