A tier list is a list of playable characters or other elements of a video game subjectively ranked by their respective viability in high level competitive settingscharacters listed high on a tier list of a specific game are considered to be powerful characters compared to lower scoring characters and are therefore more likely to be used during tournaments. The s ranking in a tier list is typically regarded as standing for superb or super and is considered the highest ranking on a tier list template.

League Of Legends Patch 10 7 Tier List Solo Queue
Lol what does tier list mean. Under s tier the tier labels use a traditional a d grading scale. There used to be a fifth division in each tier but to help make players feel like they were progressing faster riot removed it. The divisions are represented in roman numerals in descending order from 4 to 1. That has lead to numerous questions around what does the s on tier lists stand for s tier meaning. Each tier has 4 divisions aside from unranked master and challenger which are limited to 1. Usually reserved for joke characters and ones that are really bad.
S highest tier aka god tier a high tier very good character b good tier i believe b is the highest tier considered tournament viable. Check your summoner live spectate and using powerful global league of legends statistics. Tier summoner count cumulative. Fotm flavor of the month and the statisticalopinion based one. Every list youll find on the internet is made by theorycrafters pro players or even amateurs which means that no tier list shows the absolute order to the strength of champions. C okay tier not used in tournaments much d bad tier characters with limited use in a competitive setting f craptastic tier.
Usually each tier has a normal and a a and a. Challenger i 300 00071 300 00071. There are two main soloqueue tier list categories.