Hearthstone best arena class 2020 tier list. This site is not affiliated with blizzard entertainment inc.

The Boomsday Project Arena Impact Hearthstone Game Modes
Hearthstone arena hero tier list boomsday. We produce a variety of content for the hearthstone arena including the most consulted arena tier list in hearthstone. We have been playing arena exclusively since beta and average 72 winsrun. Warlock can play fast or slow and has tons of tools to enable both play styles. Heroes of warcraft assets used on this site are copyrighted andor trademarked material of blizzard entertainment inc. Warlock is definitely the powerhouse of the boomsday arena with defile second bucket despicable dreadlord first bucket and omega agent fifth bucket carrying it to the top of the charts closing in on a 55 global winrate according to hsreplays stats and there is no excuse to not picking it if you want to do well in the 120 arena. Warlock the new expansion and meta shift did not change anything for warlocks dominance in arena.
Their hero power allows them out sustain fast decks and out value slower decks. The best hearthstone legendary cards post boomsday expansion year of the raven has been loaded with awesome content for hearthstone fans. Even though it has the strongest hero power. Warlock was on top for a bit but has usually been a middle choice for the arena. Class tier list. The boomsday project rastakhans rumble rise of shadows saviors of uldum descent of dragons ashes of outland curse of naxxramas blackrock mountain league of explorers one night in karazhan galakronds awakening battleground hero tier list cards deckbuilder minions heroes hero powers packs innkeeper desktop view.