08052020 pirates pri. These heroes are not definitively weak but are less consistent in most team compositions.

Skill Studies 36 The Seals Of Nifl Guide Fire Emblem
Fire emblem heroes tier list surtr. The king of the flame kingdom múspell he is also the superior of book is antagonist loki and the father of laegjarn and laevatein. Fire emblem heroes tries to be two very different things at the same time. He is planning to destroy other kingdoms particularly setting his sights on askr having already destroyed 2 in 9. At surtr release theres really only few units that could handle him if any physical or magic. But larcei or lysithea are different by the time they are released theres already many same tier just as broken s to outright beat them without specifically build to defeat them. Surtr is the main antagonist of book ii from fire emblem heroes.
Important this tier list factors in full use of skill inheritance and merge allies when rating heroes and is targeted specifically at arena play. The game is published by nintendo for both android and ios. Fates castle rare skills. For fire emblem heroes on the android. Report errors on the talk page. This tier list is automatically generated.
Surtr is the king of the kingdom of flame múspell and relentless in his conquest. Fire emblem heroes is a role playing game developed by intelligent systems. 1 aether raids tier list 2 heroes 3 feh summon simulator 4 fire emblem heroes iv calculator 5 feh content update. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero surtr. Gamepress is actually thinking about demoting surtr to t2 on their tier list due to mamori. Scoring factors common to all heroes such as rarity and level are not considered.
This is a tier list of the strongest heroes currently available in the game fire emblem heroes feh. Tier 5 units have passable match ups against most units but tend to struggle to compete against a selection of heroes. Heroes that have the potential to score higher in arena are rated higher. Content is available under cc by nc sa 30 unless otherwise noted. Mamori is the new surtr minus sinmara fire emblem heroes android. Ruler of flame in fire emblem heroes feh.
This page was last edited on 8 february 2019 at 1937. 6 ivs and their importance 7 feh manga 8 guides 9 heavy blade 3 10 new offense tier list. On the one hand this is a significant new innovation from nintendo in this case the latest entry. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Use the information available here to build the best team possible. You really have to tailor your red units to hardcounter beat him.
These heroes suffer from more prominent weaknesses demand greater investment and may be comparatively inferior to units in higher tiers. Read on to learn the best ivs individual values best builds inherit skill weapon refinement stats at lv 40 and more for surtr.