Gamepress skill inheritance tier list patch notes 19th of september 919 discussion. This tier list has been retired.

Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List
Fe heroes tier list skill inheritance. Many tier 1 heroes are incredibly powerful and will often wield powerful unique weapons and skills. Use the information available here to build the best team possible. While guard bearing is an excellent skill ingrid suffers from not being able to utilize a skill like null follow up which would guarantee her own doubles and shut down her opponents skill granted doubles which are particularly lethal to her given guard bearings bonus stats are only in play for her initial hitdespite all of her stat investment into speed ingrid. They are among the strongest in the game and bring overwhelming strength to their respective roles whether it be offense defense or support. This is a tier list of the strongest heroes currently available in the game fire emblem heroes feh. The mod team of rfireemblemheroes has been kind enough to offer us an invitation for the hello heroes podcast they host where we will be discussing our site and the tier list.
Weapons a list of all weapons. Units are rated based on their full potential and with optimal ivs. Helpful resources edit edit source hero skills table lists all heroes and what weaponpassives they have. Thank you for your understanding. Tier 1 units consists of heroes who excel in the current metagame. Each color is evaluated on its own.
Welcome to the fire emblem heroes feh walkthrough wiki. Level 40 stats table lists all heroes and their max level raw stats. Heroes who could learn the skill if they were to use unlock potential to increase their rarity level are denoted by a gray mark. A 95 rating in red is not the same as 95 in green. This page is dedicated to showing the newest hero evaluations and reroll ratings as well as story walkthrough information. The tumbnail says my tier list and dont misunderstand it as an universal tier list.
Skill inheritance who to keep and who to grind. We deliver the latest in fire emblem heroes news so read on to find useful information that will help you as you play. A lot of the time you dont want to spend orbs to expand you barracks and may not care for one of each hero or maybe you do but you dont know who to horde and who to send home. Just remember people this is pheonix tier lits and its based upon his opinionexperience and how he perceives the placements of the units. Skill inheritance tool fire emblem. This tier list factors in full skill inheritance when rating heroes and is targeted at arena play.