Welcome to the tier list for the wonderful game epic seven. Ask me any questions and ill answer what i can.

Epic Seven Tier List For September Updated
Epic seven tier list build. Our best character picks for different game segments instructions. World adventure mode and farming. Ive sorted them according to their general usage including pve pvp hunts and abyss with a bit more focus on pvp. Ive also posted this tier list on a korean forum and this list seems to be generally agreed upon. There are three items that stack well together and are a staple of every good assassin dps build. Ive played e7 since kr release and this is my personal ml summon tier list.
1 holiday yufine 2 briar witch iseria 3 sinful angelica 4 remnant violet 5 vildred 6 little queen charlotte 7 seaside bellona 8 angelica 9 ken 10 tywin see all. Read on if you would like to know about how to get best characters heroes and other walkthrough information. Keep in mind this is just an opinion and you must still make your own informed decision on whether you want to invest in the character or not. Epic seven review and guides. Welcome to the game8 epic seven wiki. Epic 7 best characters.
In the tier list table you will find hero rankings for every segment of the game just click on the character name. 50 crit rate is all you need. This is the epic 7 hero tier list for global server. Below is a list we graded them on their ability to do perform in various categories of the game. 5 wyvern hunt pve tier list 6 epic seven reroll guide 7 wyvern 13 guide expert 8 pet guide 9 guides 10 arena offense tier list see all. This is the community based epic 7 tier list that will help you in building the best team of epic 7 characters.
Arena how useful or effective they are in the arena offense. Epic seven tier list spreadsheet link heregoogle spreadsheet. Source redditdiscord subreddit epic 7. If you want to check current state of the game and get most asked guides use the link below. Best hero tier list epic seven. Epic seven walkthrough team.
Tier list description she is one of the strongest single target damage dealers in the game due to the way her kit works. Lighting build is a very powerful combination that can take you to the victory with no doubt. She has built in crit rate buff that allows her to look for crit damage stats making her do even more damage. The current characters are graded based on their performance on the following areas. World how well the character perform in regular adventure mode for normal and world. Guides on characters heroes artifacts monsters as well as other tips and information can all be found here.
Epic seven wiki database news strategy and community for the epic seven player.