About the game elemental battlegrounds is a first person pvp game on. The team members include robotmega mygame43 juniorfive plokster and chrisppy.

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Elemental battlegrounds magic tier list. At least high 7 c. Ill admit i made this mainly out of boredom but i hope some of you elemental battlegrounds players out there can get some useful information from this please note that a lot of the following information is drawn from my personal experience from playing the game. Roblox magic simulator duration. Elemental battlegrounds elements explore the elements maps explore the maps. Air elementals are the weakest level 2 then water elementals level 3 then fire elementals level 4 and the strongest are the earth elementals level 5the armageddons blade expansion which added an elemental themed town called conflux added in even stronger psychic elementals level 6 and upgraded versions. Naturally a tier list couldnt possibly hope to capture every subtle nuance of each characters unique skills roles and elemental affinities in the wider context of the game but in principle a creature in a higher tier will almost always be more powerful in more modes and situations than one of its lower tier counterparts.
Not much is known about the player aside from them being able to utilize a plethora of elemental abilities and that they fight against other various players within the game. It may differ from yours so please dont kill me if i bash your favorite element. It is the continuation of the gameelemental wars. Elemental guardians tier list this tier list is arranged by class type in order of attacker defender saboteur and support. Upon obtaining all 31 accessible elements there would be 155 accessible spells in the game. List of elemental powers and abilities.
Elemental battlegrounds is a first person pvp game on roblox made by a team of developers known as gamer robot. Every element has 5 spells in its spell set. Each element has its own unique moveset and theme. Airwind aerokinesis manipulate the air wind and gas aeroportation teleport using airwind currents air mimicry transform into a cloud of gas fog or mist atmokinesis manipulate the weather by mixing water ice fire earth air and lightningelectricity deoxygenation suck up all the oxygen from a place lung adaptation breathe. Within those classes each creature is ranked by usefulness in each area of the game from s tier meaning its completely indispensable and essentially the best at that category down to a b and finally c tier meaning its mostly garbage at that category. Users can mix spells from different elements in their moveset to.
The player is an unofficial name given to the controllable character within the roblox game elemental battlegrounds. Elements are titles for a set of spells that share a common theme. Elemental battlegrounds tier list generated from the elemental battlegrounds elements ranked tier list template. In heroes of might and magic iii the elementals have a hierarchy of power. Xdarzethx roblox more. Elements are bought with diamonds and their spells unlocked with shards.
Roblox elemental battlegrounds time element gameplay timelords dont have anything on me.