And as per almost every single gacha games tradition you will likely need to reroll to get a good head start hence the need for a tier list. Hence the b tier because the pvp is slightly better pvp.

Digimon Rearise Global Tier List Ultimates Amp Non Megas
Digimon rearise rookie tier list. The protagonist 主人公 shujinkou default name novice かけだしテイマー kakedashi teimā novice tamer is a first person character. Digimon rearise jp tier list updated march 2019 its been 7 months since the tier list was last updated so heres the updated one. Before i start i shall introduce myself. We are going to start off with s rank digimon and go down to c listing all the specialties of all of these digimon so you can make an informed decision about which to. Separating the old tier list into pvp and pve tier lists. Added magnamon cherubimon ophanimon beelzemon.
Its really not the best hero for pve as he has a chance to inflict darkness but bosses are immune to that so there is really no use for it. Best digimon rearise tier list 2019. Digimon rearise global is finally out. Welcome to the digimon rearise global tier list for ultimate and non mega digimon. Digimon rearise tier list. Passive 50 tec buff to purple allies and 40 def buff is very strong but held back because of squishiness as a rookie.
Their partner is herissmon. Complement ravemonpiedmongaiomon but squishy since its a rookie. Welcome to the revamped pvp tier list for digimon rearise. I am a jp rearise player. Good multi target dps because of higher than average skill modifiers offers no other utility. Digimon rearise jp tier list updated march 2019 close.
Digimon rearise b tier mega digimon. Find out which digimon is the best companion for you to battle with in the digital world. Now the b is solely because of the aoe attacks which can inflict darkness which opposite from pve they can apply to players. This is a list of characters from the digimon game digimon rearise. Added vikemon seraphimon rusttyrannomon miragegaogamon likely to be released in this month authors note. Esta semana le toca a los digimon de personalidad calm recibir un boost de 30 de stats por lo que es turno de hacer una tier list del battle park con solo estos digimon solo tomarán en cuenta.
Digimon of the rookie level 成長期 seichouki translating as child also known as level iii レベルiii reberu iii. Once again you can contact me at discord ignitos3930 if you have any questions.