Unless this is just pve or pvp speaking as a gunslinger main the arcstrider super is way more versatile and powerful from my experience. Aztecross gaming 177560 views.

Destiny 2 All Exotic Hunter Armor Shacknews
Destiny 2 forsaken pve tier list. There are so many weapons in destiny 2 exotic or otherwise that it can be really hard to know which weapons are best suited for pve crucible or gambityouve got a bank full of weapons sure but which ones should you actually be using. Destiny 2 exotic tier list as of july 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best exotics for pve or pvp are. While its possible to just hop into pve and see what your teammates are using thats not really a fun way to figure out whats what. The rating is good for pvp but it is very bad in pve. After running through destiny 2s various pve activities we came up with a ranking of which classes you want fighting on your side. Forsaken has been out for almost a month.
Below is a ranked list of the best subclasses to be building around right now in destiny 2 as well as an explanation of what the ranks mean. Youre likely to see these subclasses in almost any raid nightfall or competitive lobby. There are three kinds of drops in destiny 2. Share share tweet email. People justify this by saying just equip nighthawk id move it down a rank or two. Its not quite as powerful to be called destiny 2s gjallarhorn but its a top tier weapon for pve and pvp.
Rating all 9 upcoming forsaken supers in destiny 2 duration. The best of the best. Static curated and random. Thats been long enough to get a sense of which weapons are good which are bad and which you should go out of your way to track down. Updated for 2020 through shadowkeep and season of dawn here. Static rolls a static roll will always drop with the same perks every time just like they did in year 1.
Forsaken is available now for pc ps4 and xbox one. Gold gun is high tier. Forsaken subclass tier list destiny 2 pvp duration.