This list is divided into 4 tiers. I think youd need a complex tier list accounting for these things to really get a solid list.

Dead By Daylight Community Killer Tier List New Patch 4 0 Tier List Dbd Tier List Pyramid Head
Dbd killer tier list reddit. As of patch 250 this is the ranking list that i feel best portrays and exemplifies the current state of the dbd killers in descending order from highest rank to lowest rank. Current dead by daylight killer tier list please bear in mind there is no official killer tier list for dead by daylight of the 12 killers in the game so everything we say is totally subjective. Imo huntress is more difficult to play because of a requirement to really learn every map hatch texture filtration and huge drawbacks. Halkys tier list v201. I think she is one of the strongest easiest to play killers in the game. Top tier hillbilly good all round very few weaknesses.
High map pressure and mobility nurse the undisputed best killer although on ps4 shes made weaker by having to use the control pad still shes in a different league to other killers. Next page last page. Killers that can help you land easy 4ks at any rank but with a high skill cap. Dbd map lier list. Dbd survivor perks morezpack. The nurse 98100 the hillbilly 93100.
Keep in mind that the list is ordered and s tier is the highest tier. Blows my mind that you can rate plague so low. Dead by daylight surviver perk tier list. My tier list with the demogorgon. His playstyle revolves around evil within and his stalking. Hag insane map control and mobility with her traps.
Dead by daylight killers. Great tier list i completely agree with everything except perhaps spirit being the hardest killer in the game maybe in current patch with 2 bugnerfs. S nurse pretty much the only busted character when played correctly tbh a spirit hillbilly myers b huntress clown hag trapper c plague pig legion d doctor leatherface freddy f wraith. If survivors dont cleanse you are a perma tier 3 myers. Just touch anyone with the puke and eventually it turns into free damage. A killer perk tier list is kinda weird to do because some perks are far better on different killers and some perks only truly work in combination with other perks.
Dbd killer perks tier list with happy clown colored pack dead by daylight survivor list. Myers is a killer many fans were excited to see enter the game and he comes in first on our list of tier 2 killers.