All content from this video and this channel is recorded and edited only by me. Use our tier list maker to generate your free tier list and share it with your friends.

Black squad weapon tier list. This means you can buy an advantage which is the definition of pay to win. Click savedownload and add a title and description. The game is still new so many players are still not sure what weapons to use. The reason for this is it has the perfect balance of power accuracy stability and refire rate. Chose from hundreds of custom templates or create your own. P220 doesnt have tier yet and thats the pistol i use mainly.
Ak12 m4a1 best weapon and blazer amax best sniper thanks my friend 1. This black squad weapons guide will help you understand which rifles are currently viable in the current black squad meta. Thanks for your time btw respect its s for me cuz 3 hits to body 10. 419 articles since the creation of this wiki. Warzone tier list april 2020 has the best smgs ranked from best to worst according to the current meta. Share your tier list.
This will be based on the core weapon itself no attachments this will include event weapons but not melees no removed weapons if a weapon is placed higher up on a tier than another that does not mean that weapon is better. Modern warfare and warzone season 5 weapon tier list. These all one tap to the head. Edit the label text in each row. Modern warfare and warzones best and worst guns have shifted a lot in season 4 and now season 5 brings new weapons. Check out other black squad weapon tier list recent rankings.
Unlike the ak12 and ak 47 you can spray fairly well with the m4 which can be very useful at times. Weapons from medal shop are not included. Not a tier list per se but my top 5 assault rifles. They take much longer to obtain. The best weapon in the game imo is the m4. If youre asking how many video games i have well maybe over 250.
Drag the images into the order you would like. Whats your personal tier for that pistol. These 4 guns are also inexplicably unavailable for purchase using the normal game currency like the other weapons are rather you need a secondary in game currency.