Best guns in apex legends. Octanes bring nothing to a team apart from selfishness a penchant for high tier items you try keeping hold of that gold shield you dibsed when an octane is around and crypto is a heat seeking camera with skin.
Apex Legends Guns Amp Weapons Season 2 Best Guns Weapon
Apex legends season 2 tier list. So whats been happening in the tier list. Today we take a closer look at the current meta of apex legends. Top tier lifeline combat medic. Season four of apex legends is underway shaking things up with tons of new content. You need to pick the right weapons too. Ever wondered who the best legend is to play in season 4 apex legends.
Season 5 of apex legends is now live and after some pretty surprising balance changes the new meta has shifted quite a bit for some legends. Apex legends c tier. Apex legends season 5 character tier list. With the new map changes the introduction of the master thief loba there were a fair amount of changes made in the new update. A new legend various map changes and now a new tier list. These two apex legends characters are in the bottom c tier for a reason.
For those purposes heres a tier list based on personal experiences and various opinions from across the apex legends community. Best legends to play in season 4 apex legends. Find out how your favorite legend ranks on this season four tier list. Just remember this tier list is for the current meta in season 5 and is really subjective with further buffs and nerfs this list will also change. Octane made it only into c tier. Check out this tier list and start winning more games.
Apex legends season 2 all best guns and weapons the tier list in apex legends 2 choosing the right character is only part of the path to victory. Apex legends season 5 has arrived so its time to look through the growing roster to determine who is the best of the best. Ultimate weapon tier list the legends are placed into loose tiers to represent their relative position against each other. C tier octane crypto. Read on to find out. Multiple heroes received buffs and nerfs with one getting an entire ability rework.
Apex legends season 2. Apex legends season 5 is here as is the new legend loba. Too many hit registration issues are ruining apex legends season 5 launch. Season 4 legend tier list. Based on pick rates and difficulty to play.