From overpowered to the most useless of heroes. Even his real name is seldom used with most of those in the business referring to him as deaths defeat a nickname he acquired through his reputation as a top tier vanquisher of the undead and unnatural.

My Attempt At A Signature Item Priority List Afkarena
Afk arena tier list fawkes. Were providing you with the go to afk arena tier list. That is why we made this afk arena tier list to help. I appreciate guides like this a lot but as a new player to afk arena im struggling to get much use out of these tier lists because mid game. It offers a perfect combination of character building team battles and unlocking of powerful characters that you can organize in unbeatable teams. This tier list will cover all the heroes you should use from mid to end game. The last 19 levels of a 99 level bracket.
Fawkes is a man of few words and there are very few people alive who know his story. Afk arena tier list best heroes to dominate end game. Hero strategy is included for heroes ranked ss through a. Time to fodder saveas afk arena is very well balanced around a variety of heroes who are strong in different game stages and content so every character has somewhere to shine. Afk arena tier list for mid game level 61 160 the mid game starts from level 61 because this is where legendary heroes get their ultimate lvl2 and mythic heroes get their 4th skill making them a lot more viable than at the early game. Afk arena is a casual game specially designed for those who have no time to invest in other immersive role playing games.
Fawkes is a man of few words and there are very few people alive who know his story. Even his real name is seldom used with most of those in the business referring to him as deaths defeat a nickname he acquired through his reputation as a top tier vanquisher of the undead and unnatural. Except angelo he is fodder. Lyca athalia thanek kaz and fawkes also enjoy a boost in effectiveness. 61 160 covers such a huge range of skill increases and the guides generally do not note things like the shemira gotcha only really becomes good at 141.